Ashes on forehead sign of
God's great love: Advincula
Archbishop Jose Cardinal Advincula reminded the faithful that placing ashes on
the forehead is a sign of the great love of the Lord.
ashes are imposed by making the sign of the cross to remind us that even if we
are sinners, there is hope because we have been redeemed by Christ through his
life-giving death on the cross," Advincula said in an interview over
Church-run Radio Veritas on Ash Wednesday.
Catholic Church is observing Ash Wednesday this year on March 2, the beginning
of the 40-day preparation for the sacrifice, death, and resurrection of the
said it was a reminder to humanity that Lent was divided into two important
features of the celebration the ‘penitential and baptismal’.
encouraged the faithful to fast for 40 days of Lent and intensify prayer as a
sign of conversion to God.
forty days of Lent spent in prayer and penance indicates that a Christian
should spend his life in prayer and fasting from evil. There was a time when
Lent was a period of preparing public penitents for reconciliation. The Lenten
season was observed by all the faithful fasting, almsgiving, and prayers,” the
Manila archbishop added.
He said the
burning of old palms to be used on Ash Wednesday shows that everything in the
world has a limit and a reminder of human sinfulness, therefore, inviting all
to forsake evil and turn to God.
ashes come from burned old palms reminding us that" all earthly glory
fades. The ashes tell us that we are sinners; that there is evil and darkness
in the world because there is evil and darkness in our hearts,” Advincula
the archbishop also joined Pope Francis' call for a day of prayer and fasting
as solidarity and call for peace in Ukraine.
the Catholic Bishops' Conference of the Philippines called on the faithful to
pray for the reconciliation of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine to achieve
unity and prevent the escalation of tensions between the two countries.
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