Climaco: halt in Telecom
operation a safety measure
“The halt of [telecommunications] operations was
a precautionary measure,” said Climaco during her press briefing at City Hall
Monday morning.
Network signals and communications via mobile
phones were disabled in the roads leading to and within the Fort Pilar
area from 2:30 pm to 6:00 pm Sunday, October 12, during the procession and mass
which culminated the 2014 Zamboanga Hermosa Festival celebrations.
The same measure for safety and security was
utilized to secure last year’s fiesta celebrations.
Climaco emphasized that the prerogative to
temporarily halt communication services was made at the discretion of the
telecommunication companies themselves upon request of the local government and
security forces.
“We leave it at their discretion,” she said.
Telecommunication companies in the City agreed and
heeded the request, and in cooperation with local police and military, observed
the security protocol to restrict text and call services.
The Mayor emphasized that the safety of all
residents attending the procession and mass was a primordial concern. The local
government respects the right of residents to communicate, and the safety
measure was not intended to impede this right.
Task Force Zamboanga (TFZ) Commander Colonel
Andrelino Colina said the precaution was pursued after investigations revealed
traces of ammonium nitrate, wirings and mobile phone parts in the unattended
thermos, later officially identified as an improvised explosive device (IED),
found by security forces Saturday evening in Plaza Pershing.
“If ever we caused inconvenience for temporary
shutdown of signal of all telecommunications, that was for everybody’s safety.
We did this to protect the lives of everybody here,” declared Colina.
For her part, Climaco expressed her gratitude to
the telecommunications companies for their response and vigilance.
“We would like to thank our telecommunication
companies for supporting the City of Zamboanga ,
not only in promotions but also in security,” she said. (Jasmine Mohammadsali) (102114)
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