Monday, October 27, 2014

Hundreds denounce “desecration,” “renovation” of Fort Pilar buildings

Hundreds denounce “desecration,”
“renovation” of Fort Pilar buildings

ZAMBOANGA CITY (ZNS) –Hundreds of Facebook users, mostly Zamboangueños , from this city, in the country and abroad, have denounced the current plastering or renovation works of centuries old buildings inside Fort Pilar.

This indignation over the repair, renovation, conservation of Fort Pilar started last week following the posting of “before” and “after” pictures of buildings inside the fort  on Facebook.

As of yesterday, the comments and the number of people who reacted negatively to the picture have reached over a thousand hits, and more are reacting to the posting as the days goes on.

Áron De La Verdad said “ White Paint Jobs is not a Conservation work but destruction of Authenticity. “

He also said “Not only that, they should have coordinated with the UNESCO and nominate it for World Heritage.”

In his post, Councilor VP  Elago daid “It will be all white inside if we don't move. I hope you will join the peaceful lighting of candles at the entrance to the fort museum Monday 6pm. Thanks!.”

Councilor Elago also said the renovation is a “"crime against the heritage of Zamboanga" "crime against the people of Zamboanga"

“It is only recently that we realized the kind of "improvement" the National Museum has been doing inside our Fort Pilar which is recognized as the oldest landmark of Zamboanga City. Fort Pilar was constructed in 1635 by the Jesuits. It is the most historically significant structure that we Zamboanguenos are very proud of…

“Sometime in 2012, the National Government announced that it has budget for the improvement of the Fort. Given the fact that they are the key agency with the expertise in the field of preservation of Heritage, Culture and History, I have a feeling that those who knew about it had confidence in this mentioned agency.

“They have destroyed the ruins in their goal of "improving". The south and east brick-walls have been plastered with cement to make the surface smooth just like any new building today. Gone are the Spanish-looking walls' that made the inner fort look as authentic as it looks outside. On the same walls, they constructed something that does not look old but an ugly edifice that looks new. I had goosebumps just seeing it! National Museum, why did you do this to us???!!!

“What  i also learned which should alarm us all even further is that they are about to also plaster with cement the west and north wings of the inner fort!!!  We  should not allow it to take place! they are about to begin doing it as i noticed the scaffoldings already in place. we should now act a.s.a.p. before they begin destroying our fort... our heritage... our identity!

“Let  us storm the internet with our objection to further destruction of the inner walls of fort pilar. let us write jeremy m. barns, the executive director of the national museum and tell them to stop now!!!

“They never consulted us Zamboangueños about their project. they went on and vandalized our significant past. calling all Zamboangueños! we must not waste time! we should act now against this crime against the heritage of Zamboanga!”

Icelle Gloria Durano Borja wrote : “The Fort Pilar is the most important Fort built by the Spaniards after Intramuros. History states that the Fort underwent at least four major restoration from the early inception in 1635 up to this generation. Trully, the Fort is in great need for restoration and refitting to ensure that this will stand for another 300 years. The City Government should have the foresight and the planning to sit down with the experts regarding Restoration and refitting of the Fort. This will cost much, but Zamboanga can afford to spend to keep such a Heritage cultural Landmark.”

VP Elago said : “we have to act now and make them stop! they are about to plaster the other wings!!!”

He said he said he “showed these photos to a German friend and he said this was a sin against heritage.”

Lotty Concillo-Arieta wrote “This only means while these people are doing nasty things inside the fortaleza no one from the city goverment was checking on them,if there was Even one from the councilors or from the department of tourism checked on their work nuay era keda ancina el fortaleza di atun.”

Trajano Dagala Cabrales said “White paint jobs could be better, but dem vinta sails? Nope. So un-Chavacano. “

Kenny Shinn asked “And who is the gov’t official who approved it? Here, we would say "hang those mother fuckers"...”

Vanessa Roubinek “This is really sad. This is our heritage. Someone from the government who let this happened screwed up big time!”

Maelin Piedad said “ Zamboanga’s most important historical landmark now looks like a mental asylum! Que lastima! How could anyone let this happen?!”

Jericho Noah Baro also said “Àra ese museum pwede manda mira na mga hente ta bisita dos storya. Uno el heritage De Zamboanga y el uno c pakimodo kere tapa el national government kunel heritage De Zamboanga.”

Bigmike B. Muin said “Architectural conservation deals with issues of prolonging the life and integrity of architectural character and integrity, such as form and style, and/or its constituent materials, such as stone, brick, glass, metal, and wood. In this sense, the term refers to the "professional use of a combination of science, art, craft, and technology as a preservation tool". (zns) (102814)


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